
Monster Hunter World Exhaust Damage

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Exhaust damage is a type of damage dealt by certain weapons and monsters in the Monster Hunter series. It drains a target’s stamina, making them unable to attack or move for a short period of time. Exhaust damage can be particularly useful for hunting large monsters, as it can prevent them from escaping or attacking.

If you’re playing Monster Hunter World, you may have noticed that some weapons do exhaust damage. This type of damage is particularly effective against monsters that are weak to it. In this article, we’ll take a look at what exhaust damage is and how you can use it to your advantage in the game.

Exhaust damage is a type of elemental damage that is inflicted by certain weapons in Monster Hunter World. It works similarly to poison or paralysis, in that it slowly drains the monster’s stamina over time. This makes it especially useful for hunting large monsters, as they will tire more easily and be easier to kill.

There are two main ways to inflict exhaust damage in Monster Hunter World: through direct hits with certain weapons, or by using environmental traps. The most common way to cause exhaust damage is by hitting a monster with a weapon that has the Exhaust element attached to it. These include the Greatsword, Hammer, Long Sword, Switch Axe, and Bow.

Alternatively, you can set up environmental traps such as Flash Pods or Shock Traps; when a monster triggers one of these traps, they will be temporarily stunned and take exhaust damage. While any weapon can technically inflict exhaust damage, some are much better at it than others. For example, the Greatsword has a very high chance of inflicting exhaustion on a monster; conversely, the Dual Blades have a very low chance of doing so.

If you’re trying to wear down a tough monster using exhaustion, make sure you’re using a weapon that’s good at causing it!

KO and Exhaust Damage

What is Exhaust Damage in Monster Hunter World

Exhaust damage is a type of elemental damage in Monster Hunter World. It is caused by the exhaust fumes from weapons and machinery, and can be inflicted on both monsters and hunters. Exhaust damage can be mitigated by wearing certain kinds of armor, and can also be reduced by using the Palico gadget “Muffler”.

However, it cannot be completely negated. When a monster is inflicted with exhaust damage, its movement speed will be reduced, and it will take continuous damage over time. This can make it easier for hunters to catch up to a monster, or to deal extra damage while the monster is already weakened.

It is Caused by Standing in Certain Areas Or Using Certain Attacks While a Monster is Present

When you are dealing with monster aggro, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. First of all, it is important to understand how aggro works. Aggro is basically a measure of how much a monster hates you.

The more hate you have, the more likely the monster is to attack you. There are a few things that can increase your hate level with a monster, such as standing in certain areas or using certain attacks. If you find yourself in an area where monsters are constantly attacking you, it is probably because you have a lot of hate with them.

In these cases, it is usually best to try and avoid any actions that will increase your hate level. If you absolutely need to fight back, then make sure to use abilities that do not generate too muchhate. Once the battle is over, try and move to another area so that the monsters will forget about you.

In general, it is best to play it safe when dealing with monster aggro. If possible, try and stay out of combat until you are prepared for it. And if you do find yourself in combat, make sure to use abilities wisely so that you don’t end up drawing even more attention from the monsters!

When a Monster Takes Exhaust Damage, Its Health Will Slowly Drain Until It Eventually Dies

When a monster is inflicted with exhaust damage, its health will slowly drain until it eventually dies. This type of damage is often caused by weapons or abilities that deal damage over time, such as poison or fire. Exhaust damage can also be caused by certain environmental hazards, such as lava pits.

Monster Hunter World Exhaust Damage

Credit: www.vg247.com

Mhw Exhaust Build

An Exhaust build in MHW is a build that uses the Exhaust status effect to debuff and weaken monsters. This makes it easier for you and your team to take them down. The Exhaust status effect reduces a monster’s attack power, defense, and stamina.

It also causes them to move slower and take more damage from elemental attacks. To create an Exhaust build, you will need to use weapons and armor that have the Exhaust element or affliction. You can also use decorations to further increase yourExhaust damage output.

For example, the Airborne decoration increases yourExhaust damage by 10%. The best weapon for an Exhaust build is the Lance. This is because the Lance has great reach and can hit multiple times with one thrust, making it easy to stack up the Exhaust status on a monster.

The Gunlance is also a good choice for anExhaust build as it has high burst damage output which can help finish off weakened monsters quickly. Some of the best armor sets for anExhaust build are: – Diablos Nero Alpha + (2)

– Nergigante Beta + (2) – Teostra Alpha + (2) These armor sets all have high resistances to Fire and Blast elements, as well as skills that increase yourEx exhaust damage output.

Wearing two pieces of any of these sets will give you a significant boost to yourEx exhaust damage output. Decorations that are good for anExhaust build are: – Attack Boost Jewel 4

– Critical Eye Jewel 4 – Weakness Exploit Jewel 3 Attack Boost Jewels will increase your overall damage output, while Critical Eye Jewels increase your chance of landing critical hits with every attack. Weakness Exploit Jewels exploit any weaknesses that a monster may have, such as their fire weakness or their Thunder weakness . All three of these decorations work together to greatly increase your chances of dealing massive amounts of exhaustdamage to monsters .

Exhaust Damage Mhr

When it comes to your vehicle, the exhaust system is one of the most important components. Not only does it help to reduce noise pollution, but it also helps improve fuel efficiency and keeps harmful gases away from the engine. Unfortunately, over time the exhaust system can become damaged, which can lead to a number of problems.

One of the most common issues that arise from exhaust damage is a loss in power. This is because when the system isn’t functioning properly, it can’t effectively remove gases from the engine. As a result, these gases build up and make it harder for the engine to run smoothly.

In addition to a loss in power, you may also notice an increase in fuel consumption as your vehicle struggles to compensate for the added strain. Another problem that can occur is called “back pressure”. This happens when there is too much pressure on the exhaust system, causing it to work less efficiently.

Back pressure can cause your engine to run hotter than usual and put unnecessary stress on other parts of the vehicle. If left unchecked, this can lead to even more serious damage down the road. If you suspect that your exhaust system may be damaged, it’s important to have it checked out by a professional as soon as possible.

Exhaust repairs can be costly, but they’re nothing compared to the alternative of dealing with even more extensive damage down the road.

Mhw Exhaust Phial

If you’re a fan of the Monster Hunter series, then you know that one of the key elements to success is using your environment to your advantage. In particular, the exhaust phial can be a powerful tool when used correctly. Here’s everything you need to know about this important feature in Monster Hunter World.

The exhaust phial is a special item that can be found in monster hunter world. When used, it will release a small cloud of gas that will stun any monsters nearby. This can give you a crucial opening to attack or escape from danger.

The phial can also be used to create traps, by placing it near areas where monsters are known to frequent. To use the exhaust phial, simply equip it and select it from your item wheel. Then, aim at the ground near where you want the effect to occur and press R2/RT.

The cloud of gas will appear and any monster caught in it will be stunned for a short period of time. Be aware that the effect only lasts for a few seconds, so make sure to take advantage of it while you can! The exhaust phial is an incredibly useful tool that can help you turn the tide in battle or make your escape from danger.

Make sure to keep some on hand at all times and familiarize yourself with how they work so you can use them to their fullest potential!


The key take away from this blog post is that monster hunter world exhaust damage can be a major problem if not dealt with properly. Hunters need to be aware of the potential for this type of damage and take steps to prevent it.

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